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Studieren Sie die zwei Python Files
an welcher stelle die Grenzwerte mitgegeben werden? Vielleicht erinnern Sie sich an die LU09 wo wir die benannten Argumente kennengelernt haben.
das wir die Paramter für die Funktion noch nicht mit lower_bound
und upper_bound
ergänzt haben? In der LU09 haben wir auch kennengelernt wie sie Default-Werte für Parameter definieren. Dieses wissen werden wir hier jetzt benötigen.def read_float(text_to_display, lower_bound = None, upper_bound = None): ... def read_int(text_to_display, lower_bound = None, upper_bound = None): ...
def read_float(text_to_display, lower_bound = float(-inf), upper_bound = float(inf)): ... def read_int(text_to_display, lower_bound = int(-inf), upper_bound = int(inf)): ...
Überlegen Sie sich, wie Sie die Funktion read_float(text_to_display, lower_bound = XX, upper_bound = XX):
anpassen müssen, damit die Überprüfung auf die Grenzwerte funktioniert.
def read_float(text_to_display, lower_bound = None, upper_bound = None): ''' Read a float from the user within bounds ''' while True: try: num = float(input(text_to_display)) except ValueError: print("Please, enter a real number!") continue else: if lower_bound is not None and num < lower_bound: print("Please, enter a number greater than or equal to", lower_bound) continue if upper_bound is not None and num > upper_bound: print("Please, enter a number less than or equal to", upper_bound) continue return num def read_int(text_to_display, lower_bound = None, upper_bound = None): ''' Read an int from the user within bounds ''' while True: try: num = int(input(text_to_display)) except ValueError: print("Please, enter a whole number!") continue else: if lower_bound is not None and num < lower_bound: print("Please, enter a number greater than or equal to", lower_bound) continue if upper_bound is not None and num > upper_bound: print("Please, enter a number less than or equal to", upper_bound) continue return num
from math import inf def read_float(text_to_display, lower_bound = float(-inf), upper_bound = float(inf)): ''' Read a float from the user within bounds ''' while True: try: num = float(input(text_to_display)) except ValueError: print("Please, enter a real number!") continue else: if num < lower_bound: print("Please, enter a number greater than or equal to", lower_bound) continue if num > upper_bound: print("Please, enter a number less than or equal to", upper_bound) continue return num def read_float(text_to_display, lower_bound = float(-inf), upper_bound = float(inf)): ''' Read an int from the user within bounds ''' while True: try: num = int(input(text_to_display)) except ValueError: print("Please, enter a whole number!") continue else: if num < lower_bound: print("Please, enter a number greater than or equal to", lower_bound) continue if num > upper_bound: print("Please, enter a number less than or equal to", upper_bound) continue return num